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Writer's pictureCydney Larson

The Social Media Marketing Tips and Tricks You Need to Get Started

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

Information in this blog was acquired from the HubSpot Blog, HubSpot Blog, and HubSpot Blog

Social Media Sites
There are several pages and sites you can post on! Image Courtesy of Wix.

Do you have writer's block but want to be the best Social Media Marketer there is? Social media marketing gets easier when you get the hang of it. It takes a lot of investment, dedication, and time. Today with technology growing, social media marketing is good for your company and is a good way to increase your company's revenue. A good Social Media Marketer uses the fundamentals of Social Media Marketing to help guarantee success in their posts. Let's get started and learn how you can be a good Social Media Marketer.

Get your audience engaged and interested in your posts

Do you ever scroll through your social media and see posts that are dull and do not have much engagement on it? To be a good social media marketer, this first tip is to get your audience engaged. To get your audience engaged, you can do things such as adding eye-catching graphics to your post, asking questions, and adding a poll or survey to your post. Keeping your audience engaged and interested in your posts will help your post gain more views and bring more customers to your company. You can use your competitors' posts as ways to learn how to keep the audience engaged and get ideas on how to keep your audience engaged.

Keep your posts on a schedule

Another useful tip to becoming a professional Social Media Marketer is to keep your posts on a schedule. While being a Social Media Marketer can be a lot of work, you may forget to post. To keep this from happening, you can schedule your posts in advance and have them post on the day you want. This can help you when you are feeling busy and tired and aren't in the mood to post. There are apps that you can download that help you keep your posts on schedule so you don't have to stress about posting.

Keep on top of posting by scheduling your posts! Image acquired by Unsplash.

Don't just focus your content on the product

Another useful tip for being a good Social Media Marketer is to become creative with your content and don't only post about the product. Posting only about the product may become unattractive to the customer, and they may stop following your page. By posting other content such as the background of your company, highlights about your company, and outstanding accomplishments, your employee complete will keep the customers engaged. When posting, it is a good idea to switch up your content and create different ways to post about your product. Investing time in learning about your customers through your posts will look professional and attract more people to visit your company's page.

These tips and tricks will help you get started with your Social Media Marketing career, and eventually become a professional Social Media Marketer. For more tips and tricks you can check out the sources I have listed below!


Carmicheal, K. (2021, April 15). 15 essential social media marketing tips from beginner to advanced. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved September 19, 2022, from

Forsey, C. (2021, May 25). Hubspot's 12 Favorite Digital Marketing Tips. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved September 19, 2022, from

Mirman, E. (2022, May 31). 8 easy social media marketing tips for introverts [+best apps]. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved September 19, 2022, from

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