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Stand Out and Stand Tall as a Marketer

Information in this blog post was obtained from the Copyblogger, Semrush, and Content Marketing Institute.

Image Courtesy of Unsplash

As a marketer are you ever worried about blending in with the rest of the average marketers? This is a real concern for some people and can create fear and uncertainty going into a marketing career. We are here to make sure you never have to feel like that a day longer! Here are 3 simple tips that will make you stand out as a marketer:

1. Keep Up With Trends

Keeping up with trends sounds so cliche and "easier said than done", but it is simply true. Social media is all about trends, and being behind in those trends will get you fewer and fewer views, conversions, followers, etc. Maintaining this simple task will set you apart from other marketers that don't make this a priority. This means making sure you are checking social media every day on every app and looking at the "trending" section while also just scrolling for a few minutes. Another good way to keep up is listening to podcasts, reading blogs, and watching YouTube videos. There are so many routes for making sure that you are up-to-date with trends. This is something all marketers should do, but a lot just don't make it a priority; and that is what will set you apart in your career. For example, in 2022 there are a lot of trends that are already happening right before our eyes like, privacy-driven marketing, changing social media landscape, simply being human, being conscious, and joining the metaverse. This is just one source of trends to be aware of; think if all the platforms that provide you information to stand out as a marketer.

2. Have Your Own Brand Voice

Do you ever listen to a podcast and instantly know which one you are listening to? Maybe you start to read a blog and you know exactly who wrote it without looking? Or do you see an intro to a video on YouTube and you know exactly where it came from? Even a logo that you can pick out from a crowd. This is voice branding. Voice branding is another crucial factor to make sure you don't blend in with the rest of the marketers. Whether you are a freelance marketer or work for a company, putting together a voice branding chart is an important step. This could include voice characteristic, description, do's and don'ts. After this step, it will be important to share your voice branding with all the people who need to know, so that you and your brand can have a consistent and noticeable voice. Your brand voice can eventually change, but it shouldn't change so often that people forget who you or the company is. Think about that logo, or commercial, or podcast intro that you can think of right now in your head because you know exactly who it is. This is exactly why you need to make voice branding a priority as a marketer. It will be the difference of people remembering you and your brand, or not at all.

3. Don't Forget About Writing

Writing is a huge part of Marketing. It is a way to express your voice without sound or lots of graphics. Some marketers overlook writing because video and podcasts have taken over recently, but writing is just as important. Even writing from the content of a video or infographic is a great way to include this type of content. A few tips on how to keep readers engaged is making it personal, using emotion, making them leave with questions to be answered, and of course being consistent with your voice. Don't be the marketer that forgets about writing; stand out.

Now you can put these 3 tips to use to stand out and stand tall as a marketer.


Brand Voice and tone: 5 ways to define and use in content. Content Marketing Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2022, from

How to grab your reader's attention. Copyblogger. Retrieved April 18, 2022, from

Not just another digital marketing trends 2022 post. Semrush Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2022, from

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