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Writer's pictureKelsie Lauck

Level Up Your Social Commerce

Information for this blog post was sourced from Social Media Today, and Sprout Social.

Woman scrolling on phone in bed
Image from Wix

We’ve all seen it. That tagged product, the notification from Instagram about new products available from your favorite brand, and the “shop now” buttons

everywhere. We can’t escape it. Social commerce has arrived, and it is here to stay.

In a world where most consumers are spending more and more time on social media channels, it’s more important than ever to add more tools to your eCommerce marketing toolbox. We’re providing you with three great ways to increase sales on your social channels.

Integrate Livestream Shopping

Alright, so what is Livestream shopping? It’s basically the home shopping channel directly on your consumer’s phones. Typically, each Livestream is put on by a host or influencer who highlights product features and interacts with viewers. Many social platforms allow the ability to Livestream including Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok.

In 2020, there were over 10-million eCommerce live-streaming sessions. This type of selling is perfect for products that are complex, high-ticket, or involve fit, Livestream is a great way to interact with your customers in real-time. Here you can answer questions, highlight the unique selling points of your products, and even build outfits and upsell.

Quick Tip: Make the event your own by creating a playlist and sharing it on Spotify.

Tag Your Products on In-Feed Posts

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but it is often overlooked. Instagram and Facebook allow businesses who have set up their commerce channels within the platform to tag products in their posts.

This extra step makes it easier for consumers to gather information about your product including the price while they’re scrolling their feeds without leaving their social networks. This makes the customer journey that much easier.

Quick Tip: For maximum effectiveness, Facebook recommends tagging fewer than five products per post.

Conversational Commerce

An overlooked piece of social shopping is Conversational Commerce. This aspect of social media allows the consumer to chat with brands or chatbots in real-time to get their buying questions answered without leaving the platform. 41% of consumers prefer to use live chat as a support channel, and if their questions are answered, 40% of consumers don’t care if the chat is with a live person or a bot.

While conversational commerce is a great way to connect individually with your consumers, it does require a lot of cost and effort to implement and requires your brand to always be “on.” There are plenty of live chat services out there from creating it natively within the social platform or through a company like Sprout social, that with a little effort, any brand can create that personalized experience for their consumers.

Quick Tip: Tap into your community managers while building your chatbots. They interact with your consumers the most, so they will know the most frequently asked questions, which serve as a good starting point.

If you’re a business on Instagram, you’re likely going to engage in social commerce. Whether you’re live streaming, chatting directly with your customers, or simply tagging your products, the future of eCommerce lies within social networks.


4 eCommerce trends you need to know for 2022. Sprout Social. (2021, November 30). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from

6 masterful examples of brands selling on Facebook Shops. Sprout Social. (2022, April 6). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from

Hutchinson, A. (2022, March 4). New study looks at how social media users are responding to eCommerce integrations [infographic]. Social Media Today. Retrieved April 17, 2022, from

Livestream shopping: When Social Commerce and Video Collide. Sprout Social. (2021, November 5). Retrieved April 17, 2022, from


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