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Writer's pictureFaisal Mateb Aljebrin

Students, Keep These Time Management Priorities Straight!

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

Information in this post was gathered from EachNight, Microsoft, and the culmination of my personal academic experience trying to optimize time as I get through my senior year.

Image showing a person working on their laptop and checking the time on their watch
Image courtesy of Unsplash

I know time management isn't the most exciting topic... especially to us college students who wish days were 25 hours long with 8 days in the week. A topic such as this is confrontational in nature to us and is something we may not necessarily enjoy talking about. This is so true in fact, that whenever time management is brought up at any point, in any given situation, it'll set off a worry in me about all the things I have to do during the day, week, or month even.

So even though I'm not appealing to the widest range of my target audience writing about this, I am fully convinced that it is important, and we should evaluate it every once in a while.

So let this blog post be the once for this while; I'm sure you'll find a tip on these priorities helpful!

Sleep.. Please Get More of it!

It feels like it's every day that new research comes out on sleep and how important it is for all aspects of our lives. You might have heard about people complaining that we waste a third of our lives sleeping, but in truth, that time we spend sleeping may the best investment of time we make for ourselves.

In our academic careers, sometimes we have to cut corners dismissing sleep to cram for an exam, or make the most out of our weekends, and while those are certainly valid reasons to cut back on sleep for, we're only doing ourselves a disservice by indulging them.

Image showing a woman sleeping restlessly
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

According to EachNight, sleep habits always influence our daily lives, and if these habits are not optimized for you, they almost certainly are a main contributor to things such as our stress levels and our learning abilities both cognitive when we're in class and physical like when we try to improve our skills in a sport. So if you care about either of those things or care about managing your stress levels, you should definitely care about your sleep.

It's completely unrealistic to expect ourselves never to pull another all-nighter, and not even in a perfect world can we expect to get the best sleep of our lives on a daily-basis, but we can all certainly put in more effort to improving our sleep habits as it is so vital to our wellness and longevity.

So if you wanna learn more about how you can improve your sleep habits, check out EachNight's article titled "Time Management and Sleep"

Image showing an hourglass
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

Keep Track of Your Academics

Most of us have jobs on top of being full-time students. I personally organize my schedule to attend my lectures and do minimal homework during the week as I go to my part-time job, and I have my weekends to complete my homework assignments and projects as they usually are due on Sunday night. This works well for me, but sometimes I have deadlines that fall before the weekend and it can really throw me off track when I forget about them.

Image showing an assignment calendar
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

Of course being the procrastinator that I am, in these situations, the last thing I wanna do is log onto blackboard to see the assignments for 5 different courses that I need to access through various different software.

Instead of dealing with that nightmare, though. It's so much easier to keep track of all our assignments and projects through resources we can use for free such as this weekly Assignment Calendar courtesy of Microsoft.

This isn't only helpful to keep our assignments organized, but setting up a weekly calendar of assignments ensures that we confidently start each knowing what we need to do, when we need to do it, as well as how!


Osmun, Rosie. “Time Management and Sleep.” EachNight, 7 May 2022,

Office, Microsoft. “Weekly Assignment Sheet (Colored).” Microsoft, 20 Mar. 2022,

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