Whether you’re a student or a young professional starting out in social media marketing, you may be wondering how to keep the content creation wheels turning and avoid burnout. Even the most creative people hit roadblocks when they’re responsible for constantly posting new content, so it’s normal to reach a point when you’re out of “fresh” ideas. Kinsey from The Feel Good Social Podcast outlined 3 types of content that you can post again and again for those very moments of burnout.
In this blog post, we will summarize the three types of content that The Feel Good Social Podcast recommends you post consistently as well as provide real-world examples of each type of content.
How to Create Content that Never Gets Old
#1 Customer Features, Stories, and Testimonials
There are so many ways that you can feature and engage your customers with reviews, customer highlights, or testimonials. One way Kinsey suggests in her podcast is by sharing the traditional customer reviews that begin with “Jane was a pleasure to work with.” These kinds of posts establish your brand’s credibility, as your followers hear more from satisfied customers/clients they will keep you top of mind when it’s time to make a purchasing decision.
Guardian Angel Devices is a brand that is all about promoting safety for public service workers, they produce wearable safety lights to prevent roadside/job site accidents. Their Facebook page consistently shares customer reviews from police officers, construction workers, firefighters, and other related industry workers. What’s great about these video reviews is how the customers demonstrate and recommend the brand’s products. Studies have recently shown that consumers trust other consumers more than they do brands. Therefore, leveraging customer reviews is a great way to build trust and credibility with your target audiences.
Another great way to create content that features your customers is to share their “transformation story.” Did your business or organization solve a problem for a customer? Turn it into a social media post by creating a video of your customer sharing their story or post before and after pictures if there was a physical transformation. Not only does this show what your business can do but your featured customers will likely share your post with their friends and family which will lead to an increase in social media reach for your brand.
#2 Educational and Inspirational Content
As Kinsey points out in her podcast, social media marketers should be posting these two types of content most often: educational and inspirational posts. Content that falls into this category could include helpful tips, interesting facts, inspirational or entertaining quotes, and memes. Like with all content marketing efforts, you should keep your ideal customer’s wants and needs in mind. How can you find a way to provide them with valuable content that keeps them engaged with your brand? Establish yourself as a resource of knowledge and inspiration by consistently providing content that guides them on their buyer’s journey.
Arnett Chiropractic Care is a local Hays, Kansas chiropractic practice that uses Facebook to share tons of educational and inspirational content. Their feed is full of relatable back pain memes, inspirational quotes, and tips on how to recognize certain symptoms in the body. Arnett has been consistent in her posts and delivers content that isn’t just about gaining customers but also about sharing educational and relatable information.
#3 Promotional Content
In the end, all of our content marketing efforts would be fruitless if we did not drive it home with promotional content. As Kinsey shares in her podcast, you need to be asking your followers to take some sort of action that will support your business and move your bottom line. You can do this by promoting specific products and services or even by going in-depth with product tutorials. You should also share exclusive online promotions, discount codes, and new product launches on your social media feed.
Express is a men’s and women’s clothing brand and in the Instagram post above they promote their latest Body Contour collection which includes a call-to-action for their followers to shop their online store. Whether you’re selling a product or service, your promotional content is what will engage a buyer in the decision stage and lead them toward taking a certain action.
In Conclusion
There will undoubtedly be times in your social media marketing career that you hit a wall with your content creation efforts. The three types of content discussed in this post are almost always a good place to start generating ideas. Moreover, they should consistently be implemented in your overall content strategy. Kinsey recommends posting one of each of these types of content weekly, if not more. So, if you’re in a pinch and can’t think of something new and clever to post, think back to these three content types and always ask yourself: how can you provide value to your followers?