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Writer's pictureKalli Pfeifer

Facebook: The Future of Real Estate

Information in this blog post was obtained from Sprout Social, HubSpot, and Social Media Examiner.

Using Facebook for Advertising
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

Did you know that nearly 99% of millennials start online when searching for homes? Real Estate is a visual-driven industry. Videos and photos are some of the best ways to attract potential customers and clients to a property. With the rapidly growing social media marketing, real estate is also becoming more involved on social media platforms to market listings. Facebook is more interactive than ever with stories, posts, direct messaging, and Facebook Ads.

Why is Facebook the Future?

Facebook is currently the largest social media platform, with 2.963 billion monthly users. With that being said, people like all-inclusive platforms. Real Estate Agents can share various forms of Multimedia. Facebook has functions like Facebook Marketplace, Events, Facebook Live, Facebook Stories, Facebook videos, and Advertising. There is a little bit of everything for everyone on this platform.

Facebook is the Future of Social Media
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

How Real Estate Agents Can Utilize Facebook Functions

Facebook Market Place allows Real Estate Companies to post properties with a detailed description to a target audience. When potential customers are interested or have questions, there is a direct link to the company's Facebook Messenger, which provides a safe place for all conversations between the Company and potential customers.

Facebook Stories lets you post real-time pictures of properties to gain potential customers' attention. Another significant aspect of Facebook is its Facebook Live feature. This feature is excellent for doing Live walk-throughs of listings and allows customers to ask questions with almost immediate answers. Not only that, but people can go back and rewatch these Lives. With the Events feature, you can plan an event, such as an open house, and invite people who could be interested in looking at the properties.

Another great aspect of Facebook is the ability to advertise upcoming listings to targeted demographics. The Boost feature on business posts allows you to choose your targeted audience, the duration to boost the post, the budget, and the anticipated number of daily reaches based on those results! You can also gain additional reach by sharing your business post on your personal Facebook account.

For more information about Facebook Marketing Strategies, go read my colleague Kaitlyn’s post about them here.

Be Creative with Your Content

It is okay to not always post about upcoming listings. It may also be good to share Real Estate articles that pertain to the Real Estate Market or maybe share interesting Real Estate facts. Some other beneficial things you can periodically post are blogs or articles that share some tips and tricks in the home-buying process. Those are not just informative, but they also draw attention to your business's Facebook page. Another unique topic you can post about is possible questions to ask when talking to a Realtor during the home-buying process. Many

Realtor educating potential customer.
Image Courtesy of Wix

It is essential to educate the potential buyers as to what to expect in the market in the coming months and what to be aware of that many buyers would not know about.

The Importance of Photos and Videos

Real Estate is a very visual industry. People want to see what they will be looking at and if it has the potential to see it in person. It is imperative that when taking photos of the listing, you try to take high-quality and eye-catching photos.

Picture of a Listing
Image Courtesy of Media from Wix

Videos are also crucial in the marketing of a listing. Eight billion videos are viewed daily on Facebook. A video will allow viewers to be able to see the property in more detail than they possibly could have in photos. You can do one video doing a walk-through of the home and then make a separate video of drone footage of the home's exterior. It gives customers two very different visuals of the listings.


Facebook has many functions that can help Real Estate Companies reach more people for a more cost-effective alternative than radio ads and newspapers. It is a way to provide quick information, and when people have questions, it allows for quick responses because the app is right at your fingertips.

Social Media Marketing Social Media Schedule
Image Courtesy of Wix

The most important thing about social media is staying consistent. Make a schedule about when you will post listings and stories. Choose when to make a Live video so people know once or twice every couple of weeks on a particular day, you will go Live to do a walk-through or answer any questions they may have about a property. Facebook can be an excellent tool for companies if you put the time and effort into it.

So, who's ready to buy a house?


Barnhart, B. (2021, September 17). How to effectively use social media for real estate. Sprout Social.

Barnhart, B. (2023, April 28). Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2023. Sprout Social.

Bodnar, K. (2021, September 13). 10 Real Estate Social Media Marketing Strategies That’ll Bring in New Business. HubSpot Blog.

Brooks, R. (2016, April 11). How to Connect With Local Customers via Social Media. Social Media Examiner.

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