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Writer's pictureDanielle Emerson

3 Tips To Excel In Your Digital Marketing Interview

Information in this blog post was obtained from HubSpot and The Content Marketing Institute.

A successful marketing interview
Image courtesy of Wix Media

So, you're fresh out of college, or maybe looking on changing career paths? Maybe you have applied to a different position in your own company, and you are staring down the barrel of a huge interview. Even if you're had interviews before, if you've never had an interview for a marketing related job field, this can be worrisome. What questions will they ask? What skills are they looking for? What do I wear?

In this blog post, we will go over three very simple ways you can prepare yourself for your upcoming digital marketing interview and how to wow your interviewers.

Prepare Your Interview Answers

Found on HubSpot, one way you can prepare for an interview is to prep some questions that are ready to answer, if they may ask you. This may seem silly, but in the interview, it could make a heap of a difference between looking like a fumbling fool and someone who is cool, calm, and collected.

A marketing interview
Image courtesy of UnSplash

Think of some common questions that could be given in an interview and write down a summary of your answer. Try even practicing them in the mirror to get the wording right! Now, instead of sitting in an interview, trying to search for an answer to a seemingly simple question, you have something to refer back to, and since you practiced it, you aren't searching for the right words either!

Research, Research, Research!

The Content Marketing Institute gives a great way to prep for a successful interview by researching the company you are interviewing with. This may seem obvious, but it could be overlooked. You want to know the company almost inside and out. You don't need to get too deep down in the trenches. Just a general overview. Look over their website and about us page to get a feel for who the company is and what exactly they do.

Also, don't be afraid to research the company and read articles that others have written about said company. Get to know the place that you are wanting to become a part of and make sure it's the right fit.

This way, in an interview, when they ask the all too familiar question of, have you heard of us, you are better prepared to answer their question.

A marketing interview going well
Image courtesy of Wix media

Use The STAR Method

HubSpot gives a great method to use during your interview to make it a success. You can find the list in detail here. We will give you a quick summary of what the STAR method is:

Situational - Describe the situation/issue

Task - Explain your responsibilities in the situation/issue

Actions - Share what actions you took to get the task done

Results - Describe how your actions resolved the situation and the total result

By using this method when asked a situational question, which is a given in an interview, you are more prepared and less likely to stumble through your answer. You can give a concise and quick to the point answer without rambling, which can happen in a situational question's answer if you don't have a guide to follow.

Hopefully, these 3 ways can help you better prepare for your next interview and to help with those interview jitters just a little.


Bennett, P. (2022, January 10). Interview Preparation Checklist: 18 tips to get the job. HubSpot Blog. Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

McDermont, C. (2020, July 13). How to perfect the one-on-one interview. Content Marketing Institute. Retrieved April 24, 2022, from

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