Social media has become ingrained in our society, and its presence influences nearly every aspect of our lives. Understanding and implementing a social media presence is vital for successful marketing in the 21st century. If implemented carelessly without direction, it can have lasting negative impacts on your business and its future. It is vital to understand how to use social media strategically and temper expectations with reality.
In this post, we’ll provide common misconceptions about social media marketing to give you a better understanding of how to succeed in the field. Whether you are a seasoned marketer learning new tricks or a budding marketing student, breaking down these misconceptions will benefit you on your social media marketing journey.
More Content the Better
Quality over quantity is always the best route to follow when posting content. You could be wasting money and overflowing your pages with constant content. Some content may hit more lead generations and impressions than others, depending on the time of day and month. In order to keep track of this, you need to study your posts to see what works best compared to others. Maybe one platform does better than another and you need to know why that is. Plus, you don't want to lower interest by having the same thing posted excessively. Make sure to have diversity in your content. Having a marketing strategy is vital to understand how to use your content for the best turnout.
All-in-One Money Maker
While Social media is a valuable asset, it is not an all-in-one solution for a marketing strategy. Customers come to buying decisions on their own, and it is up to you and how you use social media, to get them to invest in your brand. They’re not hopping on their Facebook and Instagram accounts for the sole purpose to purchase. In a sea of memes, ads, and personal posts, getting their attention and making an impression is vital. People using social media still have to move through a marketing funnel before purchasing your brand. You must establish your brand first, make connections, and then and only then, can social media marketing can take you further.
All Social Media Platforms are Equal
A big part of social media marketing is understanding where your brand can thrive and building on those strengths. A restaurant will require Facebook and Instagram to boost impressions, but maybe not so much for Pinterest or LinkedIn. They will need to get creative and see what platforms get the most interaction and attention. From there, you can study the different platforms to see what fits your brand the best, then maybe focus on other platforms over time. So while you may not now be a famous Youtuber or a star on Instagram, that doesn't mean that won't change in the future. The best thing about social media is that it's constantly changing, just like any business as it grows.
Remember, while social media is a valuable aspect of your marketing, it is a tool that has the potential to help you be successful, depending on how you use it. If you use it well and keep your social media expectations in check, you'll succeed and go beyond in your career! Check out resources like HubSpot to learn more on how to use social media marketing!