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Writer's pictureMegan Earney

10 Game-Changing Hacks to Boost Your Social Media Marketing: Tip & Tricks

Information in this blog post was obtained from,, and

SMM Tips & Tricks
Image Courtesy of Unsplash

Are you looking to up your social media marketing game? You came to the right place! Social media marketing plays a huge role in companies marketing success, and I'm going to give you 10 tips and tricks that will take you to the next level!

#1 - Tap into influencer, creator, and advocate voices

A great way to get your target audience involved with your social media is to talk to influencers and public figures. Influencers already have a large following, so by partnering with an established influencer, you are reaching a whole new audience.

You can also choose to partner with a smaller influencer, who may not have as large of an audience, but they will be rather loyal. It's important to find an influencer that fits your brand and values, which will lead to enhanced brand visibility and success.

#2 - Host social media events

As technology continues to seep into products and services, hosting events and live events is a great way to grow your following. An example of this would be hosting a live stream on your social pages where you show off your products/services and give away some content!

Social media can become redundant and it can be hard to make your products or services stand out, but this will help you set yourself apart. Customers will remember these events and likely become recurring customers and hopefully tell their friends about it and grow your customer base.

#3 - Stop trying to make your posts perfect

Not every post you make is going to get millions of views and likes, and that's okay! No doubt, you want your posts to be to the best of your ability, but don't stress about making them perfect.

This quote from Sophie Den Ridder from explains that sometimes the more casual posts are the ones with the most success. Social media is always evolving, so a post that does well now, might not last for long.

It's important to find a balance that works for you and your needs. You want to make sure you are spending enough time to create quality content, but not too much that you are wasting time trying to make them perfect. Have some fun with it, and do what feels right for you and your company!

#4 - Schedule your posts

Scheduling your posts will allow you to plan out a social media calendar ahead of time and avoid a time crunch. Analyze data on which posts are better at certain times of the day and on which days.

Here,, you can find out how to use Hootsuite to schedule Instagram story posts. By scheduling posts, you don't have to worry about logging on to your platforms and posting them at a certain time, they will automatically post with the information you give it. You can also apply this to other social media platforms, not just Instagram!

#5 - Add polls, quizzes, and questions to your posts

What better way to get information about consumers than directly from them? By adding a poll, quiz, or question to your posts or stories, your audience can react and give you real-time information that can be very valuable to you!

Keep it simple, though! You don't want to overdo it and constantly be asking questions of your customers or asking them to fill out polls on every post. Space it out and ask questions that are going to give you productive feedback and are entertaining for the consumer!

#6 - Focus on the platforms where your target audience is

It is impossible to appeal to everyone, which is why it's important to know your target market and what platforms they are using. It makes more sense to focus on the few platforms where your customers are rather than wasting time trying to create content for every social media platform out there.

Setting up an alert through Google Alerts will allow you to set up an alert for insight into the conversations surrounding your business. This will help you in determining which platforms make the most sense for you to target.

#7 - Find post and story analytics on your platforms

Various social media platforms will prepare a set of analytics for you; use them to your advantage! Below is an example of insights that Instagram provides about a specific story post.

Keep track of these statistics and compare them from post to post. This will allow you to determine which posts are performing better than others, and give you insight to help you prepare your future posts. This will help you understand what's working and what not and help you drive engagement.

#8 - Be careful with trends

Trends can be very impactful on social media, but that doesn't mean it is always a good thing. When planning social media posts, we mustn't just create posts because they fit into current popular trends. Before posting to a trend, make sure the posts align with your company's values and message that you want to portray.

It can be tempting to post a trendy video because you think it will gain engagement, but make sure it fits into your brand and how you want your customers to see your brand. Jumping on a trend can be very beneficial, but always make sure you are representing your brand how you want it to be portrayed!

#9 - Utilize the "Notify" function on Instagram stories

Instagram offers a function on its stories that allows you to add a "Notify" sticker to your posts. This allows viewers to click on the button and to get notified about your content. This is a great way to build engagement, and ongoing engagement since consumers will receive notifications about your new content. This is an easy way to build a loyal customer base, as they will be the first to know when you post something new!

#10 - Choose your images wisely

Images can make or break a social media post! An image can quickly grab the attention, or it can quickly make someone scroll right past a post. It's important to understand what you are trying to get out of that post and choose an image that assists those intentions, not hurt them.

Text overlay can help the audience grasp a better understanding of what the picture means to the post. A few words can make a big difference and can draw users in, or make them less favorable to a post and scroll right past it.

Overall, social media can be a very daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! By using these 10 tips and tricks above, you can elevate your social media marketing to the next level. Always keep the mission and values of your product/service at the forefront of your mind in all social media activities, and stay true to yourself.

Don't forget, be yourself, and remember that no social media post is ever going to be perfect! Have some fun with it and don't be afraid to try something new! Good luck!


By. (n.d.). 16 social media marketing tips from the Pros. Social Media Examiner.

Christison, C. (2024, August 9). All about Instagram stories: Top tips and handy tricks. Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

Hill, C. (2024, August 19). 8 social media tips from experienced marketers. Sprout Social.


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